How to cite a website

How to cite a website

Certainly many of you wondered if you can cite websites, e.g. in scientific work. Yes, but only under certain circumstances. Copying content from the Internet is allowed (although it is better to always discuss someone’s ideas in your own words), but only if we honour (necessarily quotation marks, if the text is pasted “alive”) the author of the text or the idea being discussed. How to cite a website so it’s added value and according to copyrights?

Can you cite a website?

If you quote a small fragment of someone’s statement posted on another website and at the same time surround this text with your own comment, then in many cases such activity is allowed. 

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If you will “quote” other websites on the basis of copying entire subpages (or even many subpages at the same time), then you may be facing duplicating content. It may be visible in copyrights or penalties if you run a website, but let’s focus on written essays or thesis. 

citing a website

How to cite a website?

Unfortunately, the majority of students who prepare final essays use materials posted on the Internet in a way that infringes the rights of their authors (copy + paste, without quotation marks and mention of the author). 

The following content will help everyone using the materials found on the web to properly relate to the content cited or discussed.

Preparation of text in the style of APA (American Psychological Association)

  • the document should be prepared in Microsoft Office Word
  • in standard size – A4 – 21 × 29.7 cm (i.e. 8.5 × 11 inches);
  • all margins 2.5 cm;
  • text written in Times New Roman font, 12 points with double spacing
  • (also in footnotes, descriptions of tables and drawings);
  • the indentation retained in the following paragraphs;
  • the word break option should be turned off;
  • graphic files saved in jpg, png or pdf format.

A footnote for publication in electronic journals should include:

Name and surname of the author (authors), title of the article and its subtitle (if any), translator’s name, “Journal title”, volume number (with a possible new series), year, number or notebook, website address (URL), (date of update or date of last visit to the site)


If the text is on the website and is not a journal article, book or chapter in the book, provide the author, date of publication (if known), title, and then provide information about the page from where the text was downloaded. Extracted from: website address.

Surname, (year). Title of the text. Retrieved from: website address, (year of access / entry by the author of the website).

How to cite articles and books, fragments of which I found on the web, but appeared in print? According to the APA (American Psychological Association) standard, in such a situation we should always quote the printed source of the material found.


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